Monday, June 1, 2020

DIY Essential oil cabinet

I've had this drawer for over a year now. It was one of those things you buy just to buy it because it was a good deal at an antique shop. It ended up being to big or too dark for certain areas of my home then I got this brilliant idea. Why not turn it into an essential oil cabinet....after all, I got oils for Mother's day and needed a place for them. So I thought I could turn this drawer vertical and add a door. My idea turned out great! Here is how we did it....
First, I went to Lowe's and got some drawer liner. It didnt have a sticky back so I glued it down and took some dark antiquing wax. Any antiquing wax will do, then wipe off a lot of it with a barely damp paper towel. 
Next, we took some old wood we had around to add shelves. Hubby left areas where I could have a place to put large bottles. 
After that, it was time to stain a door made from a piece of wood that we cut that was the size of the outside perimeter of the door, adding 3 hinges. Any hinges will do. 
The front of the door and drawer were painted an antique white then sanded here and there to distress it. We added a crystal knob to give it a french country look and an antique brass drawer element we put on the top to give it interest. You can also use a wood scroll architecture piece here. 
Here is where we hung it. We just screwed it to the wall from the inside making sure the screws hit studs. We love it! Now to buy some good oils...
Oh, one last thing.. this was a project my husband and I did together. It took the last bit of paint we had but look at the heart the paint can left us...We thought that was pretty cool! 🖤👇