Saturday, February 20, 2021

Board and Batten living room wall

Our living room wall needed something. We have our whole house painted in Sherwin Williams Dorian grey for the walls and SW Extra White for the trim and ceilings. While I love the grey, it was dark and needed contrast. I considered bead board, shiplap, a peg rack...then decided I want board and batten because 1. It's less expensive.  2. Makes a dramatic and elegant custom look. 3. I can add a shelf on top, hooks, etc. 
So, one day we just started not knowing what we were doing but looked at lots of Pintrest inspiration. 
Lots of leveling. First, decide your pattern, measure and use a level. I can't stress that enough! 
Make sure to listen to music every now and then for sanity. 😂
We put the side boards up next. Then measured and measured to see how many vertical boards we wanted in the middle. 
Then we painted. This is SW Extra White. We decided to caulk AFTER we painted so we could see nail holes, seams, all of it a lot better. We have caulked first in the past but found so much time has been useless because once painted, we found more we had missed. So, we painted first then we caulked and painted over the caulk lines. Much faster! 
It still needed something.  We put back up the antique metal piece and then trim 1 x 2's on either side for a "shelf" type look. A ledge I should say. 
Then I had the brilliant idea to add hooks to give this space more purpose. Always looking for places to hang my homemade crocheted throws. Voila!