Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Kitchen Island decor

Sometimes the most practical everyday things can be beautiful.   We buy dishes because we like the way they look so why not show them off AND be convenient for you in your kitchen. 
Especially of your dishes match your decor.....
I love woods and whites so of course I have all kinds of white plates. 
You can add fallen leaves from outside around the dishes or candles or both. Make it you which is beautiful.  

Christmas gift wrapping... a different kind of wrap

Have you ever thought of the beauty of just the box? Tear off the labels. Yes, part of the cardboard may come with the tear but it makes it all the more interesting.  Adding a pretty ribbon gives such a beautiful contrast. 
Extra cardboard from flaps, etc., make those into gift tags....
Or make some dough ornaments for the tags....
Another idea for your cardboard boxes (I know we have so many from our online orders) is to make little villages with them.  Cut your shape and paint with white acrylic  paint. Any kind will do. 
Just another way to use what you have, recycle, add beauty your home all while saving money. A win win!