Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Repurpose your items you already have

I almost threw away this little copper wire basket. I bought it on a whim when thrifting a few years ago and never used it. An egg basket? I don't have fresh eggs I can leave out. So, there it sat until I cleaned out my decor that I wasn't using. This takes me to this week. I needed a place for my tea towels so I can grab and go to keep me from using so many paper towels. It holds them perfectly. Now, today I was hand washing some dishes that cannot go in the dishwasher. You know, the old ironstone dishes you can't replace? So here I go back down my rabbit hole looking for a drying rack. Great. The soonest I can get one from Amazon will be a week from now. 
I look over and see this basket that happened to be the perfect size for these. Now, the same basket I almost got rid of...I need TWO of them 🤪
Now, I know you want one too 🤣
Since this is an antique, I found one pretty close to this one on Amazon.