Monday, May 18, 2020

Baby picnic

It's a beautiful day in our neighborhood🎶 lalala... today was baby Jack and my picnic day! It all started with me wanting to make our back patio a wee bit better than what it was. I figure I will get more sunshine if it's a place I actually want to be. So, I started doing something about it yesterday.  
Now that I had this sweet little oasis for us to enjoy I remembered baby Jack always wanting to go outside so I came up with a plan....a baby picnic. 
First thing he did was dump all the baby cereal out onto the rug. Shag rug mind you. Mix shag rug, wet hands, sugar baby cereal and water and then, add to it this... 
We made a mess and we loved every minute of it! I will cherish these days, my back wont because I'm old, but I will! 
Now, this got me to thinking of all the lovely things yo have fun with your toddler in a small space.... I gathered up dome great Amazon things....

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