Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Repurposing a small space

In times like this, we are all on stricter budgets. We currently have a 3 bedroom home. One room is my husband's office, we have our Master bedroom and the 3rd room is used for a nursery because my grandloves visit a lot and the mammas need an area for the littles. So, where does that leave me a place for crafting, painting, blogging (which I need to get better about), journaling, etc? I have to make due with a small area that I have....So....This desk is my vanity where I put on my makeup, fix my hair, all of that. However, I don't fix my hair and put on makeup all day long so why not a quick transformation of this space into a little office area for me?! 🤯 I just want to know why I didnt think of this before. Oh, and see the plant? I'm trying hard to become a plant lady 😂😂 yes, I heard that laugh! These are just clippings from a wild bush outside that we keep trying to kill off because we need that area to do something else. I think I just found a use for it. 😏

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