Thursday, July 23, 2020

Linen closet organization

My master bath linen closet is wide open. You see it when you walk in. Anyone who knows me, knows I love a clean kept home. Our other linen closet was full. Very full, where this one had empty shelves so I got a brilliant idea. Move everything from the stuffed linen closet that I use a lot to this one. Much easier on the laundry being put away now because it's all in one spot. A win/WIN! 
As you can see, if you have an open linen area....
1.  Keep it monochromatic. It makes it much more pleasing to the eye and helps the look of organization. 
2.  Look up videos on ways to fold sheets and towels. I have learned so much through the art of hotel folding that I love and keeps my OCD at bay 😂
3. I use white. This way, I can bleach stains and feel more sanitary since these are our sheets and towels. 

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