Monday, May 25, 2020

A new grandbaby blessing ๐Ÿ’™

It's official! I am an Omi again and my heart couldn't be more full!!! He is beautiful and weighed a whopping 10 pounds 6 ounces at birth! 
The face he made after a sneeze ๐Ÿ’™

Monday, May 18, 2020

Baby picnic

It's a beautiful day in our neighborhood๐ŸŽถ lalala... today was baby Jack and my picnic day! It all started with me wanting to make our back patio a wee bit better than what it was. I figure I will get more sunshine if it's a place I actually want to be. So, I started doing something about it yesterday.  
Now that I had this sweet little oasis for us to enjoy I remembered baby Jack always wanting to go outside so I came up with a plan....a baby picnic. 
First thing he did was dump all the baby cereal out onto the rug. Shag rug mind you. Mix shag rug, wet hands, sugar baby cereal and water and then, add to it this... 
We made a mess and we loved every minute of it! I will cherish these days, my back wont because I'm old, but I will! 
Now, this got me to thinking of all the lovely things yo have fun with your toddler in a small space.... I gathered up dome great Amazon things....

Monday, May 11, 2020

The sweetest day

I had the sweetest Mothers day. Started off with church services online because of the virus scare, then a long outing looking at beautiful historic old homes. 
Came home to a nap then my sweet grown children brought me gifts, cards and love. In the picture below you will see a blanket throw from Amazon that I absolutely love! At first, I wanted a white or cream but this light gray caught my attention because it looks more light sage and looks fantastic with my rug and decor. My daughter bought me this from my Amazon wishlist and surprised me big time. Now I cant stop cuddling with it while I anxiously await the arrival of her first child due any day now ๐Ÿฅฐ

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Bathroom Refresh

Today I did something that I have been wanting to do for awhile. I refreshed our guest bathroom.  I knew it needed some new paintings so I painted some myself. I got 2 Dollar Tree frames, took out the glass, crinkled up the cardboard backing and the cardboard backing is what I painted on. I painted it black then distressed them. Painted muted tones of flowers and sanded those to give it a cohesive look. Pictures below and how I used them in our guest bathroom. 

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Repurposing a small space

In times like this, we are all on stricter budgets. We currently have a 3 bedroom home. One room is my husband's office, we have our Master bedroom and the 3rd room is used for a nursery because my grandloves visit a lot and the mammas need an area for the littles. So, where does that leave me a place for crafting, painting, blogging (which I need to get better about), journaling, etc? I have to make due with a small area that I have....So....This desk is my vanity where I put on my makeup, fix my hair, all of that. However, I don't fix my hair and put on makeup all day long so why not a quick transformation of this space into a little office area for me?! ๐Ÿคฏ I just want to know why I didnt think of this before. Oh, and see the plant? I'm trying hard to become a plant lady ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ yes, I heard that laugh! These are just clippings from a wild bush outside that we keep trying to kill off because we need that area to do something else. I think I just found a use for it. ๐Ÿ˜