Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Fall Basket Styling

Baskets are for anytime of the year and you know what? We all have them. Whether they are used for hampers, plastic wire, wood, leather etc., we all have some type of basket in our homes. I decided to make this weeks segment on basket styling for your Fall decor. Baskets can be found pretty much anywhere you go. I love finding them at thrift stores! 
Here is a series I did on Instagram that I think you'll enjoy.  It is inspired by my grandson who had a huge role in what to use. Notice, his snacks are even in the first picture 😂
Next, find a fall tea towel or napkin.
I hope you enjoyed this Fall look! Find things around your home, grab dried tall grasses from outside. Challenge yourself to decorate with what you have if you like. I know I love a challenge of not spending a dime to get new looks each year. 
Want more ideas? Follow me on Instagram! @lambertcottage 

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