Monday, June 14, 2021



After looking at a plant identification app,  I found that this beautiful wild flower is Queen Ann's Lace.   I looked up ways to dry it because I want it to last.  

Just hanging them upside down, they tend to curl like a reverse umbrella.  So, I found another idea online to dry them so they will lay flat and it's using Mason jars.  The jars have a double purpose...grabbing just the edges so they will lay flat and keeping the stems upright so they dry straight.  Some  I want to curl up so I'll just dry those by hanging them upside down. 

I read that they take 2 to 3 weeks to dry so I will move these to a spot where we won't be bothering them. 

This is an experiment. I hope it works!

I ended up putting the flower inside the jar because I had problems with the stems staying upright. They are very delicate underneath the flower so this will ensure they stay up. 
The rest of them are hanging to dry and curling as explained so I will have a variety. 
Update #2:
 They didn't take 2 to 3 weeks to dry. They take 2 to 3 days in my experience.  They shrink up quite a bit after they dry.  Some of them still want to curl up even laying upside down IN the Mason jar. So, if you want them open, weigh them down outside the jars like I showed first.  
They are still pretty but you will need a LOT of them to get a good bouquet. Notice in the first picture above as they are freshly picked.  Now look at them dried...
I added the curled bunch to the flat white ones here....
pretty small bouquet. Still pretty but now you know! 

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