Friday, September 11, 2020

Fall Sunflower Wreath DIY

My daughter in law wanted a Fall wreath for her front door.  She was on her way to go to Hobby Lobby to get some things but on a budget. I told her if she didn't find what she wanted to keep in mind that we can get some beautiful things from nature for free. She ended up paying a few dollars for the grapevine wreath but nothing else. 
So, we went outside, by our pond and then in her wooded backyard and gathered some wild flowers and sunflowers, grasses and wild weeds with texture. 
After that, she decided she wanted to decorate the bottom half and sides of the wreath only. 
Below are step by step photos of how we made this wreath that turned out so beautifully.  

First we placed the tall grasses that were cut. They were easy to wrap around the bottom because they weren't quite dried out yet. 
I recommend using hot glue and jute to secure it. Normally I would recommend wire, however that would show more than the natural jute on this particular wreath. 
Next, we cut off the flowers from the stems then separated them by size. We wanted the larger ones clustered on the bottom. 
The smaller flowers were placed like they faded up through the sides.
I hope you enjoyed our DIY and gained some inspiration.  Wreaths are so expensive these days for just the supplies so why not use nature in your season!  🌻 


  1. Amazing! Your so creative! I love your blog!!! Everything you touch turns to gold! Your a Gem!

    1. Brooke, this made my day seeing this!! Thank you!
